Jones Family

Jones Family
November 2009

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Power Team!

Brayden's 5th grade teacher surprised him with a big event at school!! She clued me & Dad in on the big surprise and even up to the day of the event, he had no idea what was in store for him. His adorable classmates wore their "Team Brayden" shirts they had originated a couple years ago. Once they arrived in the gym for the special presentation, Brayden was honored & called out for his courageous battle since diagnosis with special Power Team senior member, John Kopta. Brayden was made an honorary Power Team Member!! He was blown away and so proud!

The things they did literally left the kids in awe. John has been with the Power Team over 20 years and is still amazing audiences with his incredible strength and faith in God. John & Big Country started in with some amazing accomplishments: blowing up a hot water bottle until it pops, lifting two girls on a bar and swinging them around in circles… then he bends the bar with it in his teeth! Then John tears a Tulsa phone book in half. Big Country breaks a Louisville slugger bat in half! They were so gracious to autograph it and give it to Brayden! Big Country also popped open a soda can with his hands only…all over the kids!

We're so thankful for their witness & testimony as well as their encouragement of Brayden's fight with Leukemia. What an honor for him and such an awesome experience!! A very heartfelt thank you to John & Big Country & the Power Team for your awesome gift and service and for blessing Brayden with such a memorable experience!

1 comment:

  1. My son and I used to watch the Power Team in Oklahoma all the time. In fact, I bet I still have pix of John Kopta!! That's great for Brayden.....Kathi George
