Wow - we really miss all of you! Brayden and I have talked frequently over the last several weeks about the blog. Things have taken priority that I would prefer didn't, but such it goes sometimes. Brayden is doing really well. He's growing so fast that I've been really nervous (quietly so) as to not alarm him. His counts haven't been able to be in the 'safe' range really since Christmas. It's been scary week to week. I try not to let the fear take over but I'm still human and it's a hard battle to fight with myself each week. Being a mom still takes over our hearts and heads as we want to protect our babies - or young men!
Brayden's now 5'4" and has grown 4" taller since January's check-up. Every 6 weeks is the most frequently his chemo dosages can be increased. So it's been an increase, a waiting game, watching counts & blood results each Monday, then seeing what happens for next week. Each Monday it's the same cycle. I watch him super closely to try to read what's happening under the surface. It's impossible to predict as I've continued to learn the last 5 months. Each 6 week cycle after 1 chemo med is increased & his counts don't fall within range, then next chemo med is increased as an alternate, then it's the wait and see game again. All the while, I wonder what is happening on the inside. Will his liver function uphold the increased strain of the new dosage? Are his higher counts because he's (heaven forbid) relapsing? Your mind goes crazy. It's hard to imagine but you begin to prefer the days of isolation because at least then, you knew the chemo was working. I know I'm losing it when I have those thoughts. It's an insane cycle no one should have to endure or face.
All in all, he had a great visit at Children's last week. He had a spinal sedation with intrathecal chemo to treat those cells present in his brain. With all the increases to keep up with this big growth he's been having, he's up to 47 pills a day for this past week. Insanity for sure. He's pushing through it all like a trooper. The days following the spinal are never easy for him. But he persevered. His nurse has been so supportive in encouraging me he's fine and he's just a growing boy! We're hopeful things will settle back in to a normal pattern again and his counts will resume.
School has ended and he's excited about summer. 5th grade was such a blessing for him since it's the first time since 2nd grade he's been able to start and end the school year in completion with his class without treatment or isolation or diagnosis interfering. I can't believe summer is approaching...or should I say here! We've got a lot of fun and exciting things to share over the coming days that are in the works.
One of the things I wanted to share is that I signed Brayden up as a surivor for Relay for Life this year through the American Cancer Society. There's a special walk next week. We've not participated before and aren't sure what to expect. We heard another 11-year-old boy will be speaking and I hoped it would encourage Brayden to see that he's not alone. He's come so far in the past 26 months and I hope the walk will help him to feel that support and encouragement. Seeing visually that he's not alone in his battle I think will also be good for him. Feel free to check out his page at:
Brayden's Relay for Life Page
Stay tuned! I promise to post more and can't wait to share about his recent antics on the radio!!!