Jones Family

Jones Family
November 2009

Saturday, August 4, 2012

We're Baaaaaack!

I'm heartsick I've gotten so behind in posting Brayden's journey updates. We've had some tougher times and it began to be so difficult to be honest with our fears and concerns for Brayden. That's melting away a bit as we're counting down!! 2 weeks from yesterday marks his last chemo! It's so surreal for all of us! In the beginning, it was too hard & painful to think about August 2012 when he would be done that we had to stay focused on the present back in April 2009. Now, somehow, we're here. God's had His hand of protection all the way over Brayden, as he again and again has overcome so much adversity with such a daunting diagnosis.

As we've gotten closer, we've started making more plans & talking more about the last chemo! We're planning an End of Treatment Celebration for him coming up to reflect on all that he has endured & appreciating all of you for all the prayers, love & support! It's incredible to imagine being able to celebrate such a remarkable journey & yet, it's almost here!

We've had some major milestones lately. 2 weeks ago today, Brayden had his LAST vincristine (his monthly chemo), his last spinal sedation (intrathecal chemo to treat the cells in his brain) AND his last bone marrow!! Brayden did SO well! Even with the additional procedure of the bone marrow, the sedation went better than the last few for him! He came out of the sedation well & needed less medicine! We had been holding our breath for this last bone marrow for a while. This would tell us if the Maintenance Phase of chemo had been successful. We were full of disbelief in this anti-climactic moment when we were told his bone marrow was CLEAR! I was wanting to laugh & cry all at the same time & yet kept waiting for balloons to drop from the ceiling! We just looked at each other & did some high-fives & kept repeating the news to each other all the way to the car...trying to make it more real for each of us. This is really it! What we've been hoping & praying for!!!!!!!

So we're in the final days. Brayden's scaring me lately with a nasty cough & hoping it dries up quickly. But we're down to 13 days! Brayden doesn't want to do anything but stay up all night & celebrate his last night of chemo! He's been making a lot of plans for that big night.

As a family, we're extremely nervous about the unknowns that come after chemo. Brayden's neuropathy in his legs will begin to change as his nerve endings damaged by the chemo will begin to regrow & can be very painful. Then his blood work will continue at Children's every 4 weeks. That weekly bloodwork won't be any longer. I can't imagine holding my breath for 4 weeks in between tests! We've heard from other families this can be extremely challenging. Every bruise, every cough, every headache will bring up fears for every family that's been through what Brayden's diagnosis has brought. We'll continue to be challenged with not being led by fear & putting our trust in the One who can continue to carry us through so much uncertainty.

BUT FOR NOW----celebrating the fun & bringing you up to date!

Brayden's Last Spinal, Last Bone Marrow - LAST ACH CHEMO!! July 23, 2012

Brayden's 12th Birthday - March 2012

Brayden's 3-year Celebration since diagnosis with Golf! - April 22, 2012

Brayden Making His Wish! May 7, 2012

American Cancer Society Relay for Life - 3 more Birthday's! June 15, 2012

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