Jones Family

Jones Family
November 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little Rock - Day 2

I can see the last few drops of Methotrexate going into his we're a few minutes away from the 24 hr waiting period to begin. Bray hasn't wanted to eat today. Again, an effect of the chemo. Thankfully even with nausea, he hasn't thrown up. Ahem, I mean, emesis. Ms. C knows that was for her! Brayden and I have worked to use the 'clinical' term for vomit for a while now. It makes me laugh to hear him say it. Although, when he has to say it, it's not a funny moment, somehow the word makes it a little easier. He's enjoyed grapes for breakfast & lunch and (ugh!) a bag of fritos and half a PB&J for lunch. We always talk about eating what's most important first (in case he gets queasy) but in this instance, I guess we're thankful he can eat what little he's able.

Nini has been BRILLIANT today with thinking up a creative way to get Brayden to get more water down - ICE CUBES!! The ice and water machine on the unit floor has that yummy sonic crushed ice? All of us love it and will crunch on it. I never thought of giving it to him as a treat. Nini has been making trips back and forth with spoons. I'm hoping this helps him get more water in-take so he can flush those toxens out faster and minimize the impact.

Brayden also enjoyed showing Nini the ropes in the playroom today. They played Wii together. Ok, more like Brayden enjoyed taking advantage of Nini not knowing how to play Wii. At least, that's what I hear. Beyond that, we're still trying to get through schoolwork. It takes a lot longer than it used to. It's very tough to stay caught up. Overall, Brayden's not quite himself today, but still so much better than he could be doing. It's definitely been tough with a roommate: the noises, the food smells that sometimes generate the nausea, the distractions during schoolwork and many more. Our roommate just went home but they're cleaning the room and we may have another roommate coming in. I hope it will be an easy couple more days for him regardless of the roommate status.

I better run. Brayden's found some games online he can play from his room that are keeping him entertained. Another day done with work so we're going to try to do an in-room movie night complete with popcorn (a treat from home!).


  1. Emesis, I love that. Very similar to nemesis, coincidence? I think not.

    I was at Barnes & Noble on Monday and found some things to pick up for your next trip, hopefully they're not repeats.

    We're sending prayers that the rest of your trip is as uneventful as possible.

    Travel Safe!
    Trish, Ken, Grace, and Logan

  2. jordan and joel and johanna as well as me say hi from oklahoma. tell braden that i saw 3 deer in my pasture today. love you all.uncle john
