Jones Family

Jones Family
November 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beautiful Days

Brayden has had some up and down days this week. But all in all, is still doing so well. After being really cautious this week, we went to get his counts and blood work done on Friday. We were stunned to learn 3 hours later that they are higher than they were 2 weeks ago! Aren't they supposed to be going in the opposite direction? Part of me wants to jump up and down and I am thankful. It's just tough to not be skeptical at the same time. Is there a reason they are high? Isn't it crazy how this makes you over-analyze everything? You can't even take the good at face value. I don't like that feeling. So I tried to push it aside and be grateful that he's stronger to fight off all the germs flying around and hopefully we can get out and enjoy another beautiful day.

I loved hearing him comment on how the sky was so blue yesterday and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Certainly when you're inside more, you appreciate those beautiful days so much more. Dad took Brayden out to the yard to hit golf balls (the plastic ones?) so they could practice their swings. Nice. He loved that. He also loved getting to go with Dad to the airport and watch the planes, just like the good ol' days. Nini came over yesterday to hang out with him so Mom & Dad could have a much-needed date night out. It was so much fun to feel calmer and more relaxed on getting out of the house. It was a special treat to spend time with my hubby and our friends. When we got home, it was definitely apparent Brayden had enjoyed his time without us too.

We've got some little things planned for this BEAUTIFUL day! We're hoping to take Hershey to the Dog Park and maybe see what's on at the little local movie theater. We just want to do what we can but still remembering to be precautious so we can keep Brayden as healthy as possible.

We leave out bright and early again Monday morning for the last round of High-Dose Methotrexate and our last 4-day stay at Children's - yeah! Brayden's excited and we're hoping to make this one a fun one, yet be so thankful we won't have that long of a stay (we hope & pray) for a while. Then on the visits going forward, Dad can start going with us again!

School is still going well. We haven't gotten the webcams working yet, but we're trying. In the interim, Brayden enjoyed calling in a few days this week to read with the class. We've had to figure out some things like the yearbook picture and are sad to miss a lot of events with the class. But we're so thankful for his wonderful teacher this year who is patient and supportive and we'll keep pressing on to try to get Brayden caught up and hopefully be ready to re-join the class in January.

After this final round of High-Dose Methotrexate, what's next for Brayden's treatments? Well, I thought he had radiation next, but his nurse set me straight! If his counts are high enough, he'll go back Monday the 12th to start the next block of treatment, Delayed Intensification. On Day 50 of this block, he'll have the 8 days of Radiation. I don't want to do the math or look at the calendar. That puts him between Thanksgiving and early December. I started thinking we should probably try to do family pictures before then. He still has some of his beautiful long eyelashes and I want to take a moment to appreciate how far we've all come, how we've held together, and how faithful and optimistic we are about the future.

Hug your family and appreciate the simple, uneventful things that happen all around you. Please don't forget September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. There are some awesome opportunities to do things for other children who are battling cancer. A sweet friend of mine pointed out one. Finally, don't forget to hug and love on and appreciate your pets. Our dear friends lost their 5th member of their family today; their adorable Collie. Our hearts just break for them at this loss. Pets mean so much to families and I know for our family, Hershey fills a void for Brayden that Bryan and I couldn't fill. They have such a sweet connection. We definitely are appreciating her even more today and our hearts go out to our friends.


  1. I saw your comment on my blog so I had to come visit. I will be prayinig for Brayden. Do you live in B'ville - your family looks so familiar to me. Does your husband work for WM?
    Anyway - I'm so sorry about Brayden. I'm going to put him on our prayer list and I'll be praying for him. If you need anything while you are at ACH (I'm SERIOUS) - e-mail me at I'd love to help you in any way (get your mail, make meals, feed your dog???)

  2. My husband, Tim, just gave me the address for your blog. Our hearts, love, and prayers go out to you all. Brayden will hold a special place in my prayers. It is nice to have a picture in my mind of who I am praying for. (I agree with your mom, Brayden. You have beautiful eyelashes, but I can also see your inner beauty shining through.) I love your Music playlist! =) What a testament to your faith! Amen!

    2 Corinthian 12:10 ..."for when I am weak, He is strong."

    In Christ,

  3. Great news this week with Brayden's counts and your date night! YEAH! Praying for you all, have a safe trip to LR and back! Love you guys!!! Amelia, Eric and Andrew

  4. I saw your comment over at KellysKorner and had to stop by and let you know I'll be praying for your son. Thank you for the reminder to appreciate the everyday, little things. You sound like one strong woman, and one wonderful mama.
    Sending hugs,

  5. Continuing to raise your family up in prayer.


  6. I am so thankful that you keep us up-to-date, Lisa. I miss Brayden so much. I can hardly wait until January!!!! We keep you in our prayers here and at church. There are so many people praying for you. I can not imagine what a din must be in heaven when we all get going. Although I cannot donate, I will definitely stop by in December, if at all possible for a short visit. Keep our senior class in your prayers are we head out October 10th to Cinninatti (sp?) for the mission trip. I will be the female chaperone. This should be fun. Thanks for your awesome testimony to God's presence, it sure helps me to stay focused on what is really important. Love Mrs. Campbell

  7. Nini woke up thinking about you today, Bray! I miss you so, so much when you're away at ACH & miss being able to chat on the w.c. together & our family website too! Hope you're having a good day? Ally & Caleb send oodles of love to you & were already talking about & making plans for things they want to do with you when you're better & can spend more time with them! Luv you so, so much! Nini Nett (alias - Ga-Ga)

  8. hi brayden,this is kyle. i heard you were interested in pirates.i really like it and hope you will to.i can give you a link and instructions.
    1.go to sign up and play
    3.create account and download it this may take a little
    email me your pirates name
    hope to cya soon

    =) :) :} :]
