Jones Family

Jones Family
November 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We've been so happy to be home. The time has flown and I've had SO much last-minute things to do since last Friday, an update has been lower on my priority list. I hadn't checked email or anything in a looooong time. But I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that love and peace fill your hearts and homes this season.

Brayden has had a BIG time since being home and prepping for Christmas. I've jotted down some notes to share later. Highlights have definitely included his friends from school swinging by on Christmas Eve afternoon to sing Christmas carols from the driveway. So sweet! The nurses at the local clinic went ABOVE and beyond to celebrate Brayden's move from the High-Risk aggressive chemo to his Maintenance regimen for 2 1/2 yrs. He had an awesome Cowboys' blanket made for him by his sweet nurse that takes such good care of him. He LOVES it! She also put together a HUGE surprise for him to get an autographed photo to him from Felix Jones! He's liked Felix since his days at AR playing for the Razorbacks! He was so overwhelmed. Waking up Christmas morning at home was SUCH a blessing for us all to be together. AND, we had a WHITE CHRISTMAS which for us is incredibly rare!! But such a neat way to wake up!

We were stunned to get his counts last Wednesday and after strict isolation for so long, he was no longer Neutropenic! His counts were at 799! He was so happy. The bummer is it looks like we'll be going to Little Rock tomorrow. Please pray for safe travels, his protection from chemo and its nasty effects. He'll be having a spinal sedation and intrathecal chemo as well as IV chemo, and will now begin a marathon of pills at home. We're praying he responds well and now that we're moving into this phase of chemo, the Leukemia cells to stay gone and Brayden to be forever healed. He's still recovering from Radiation with more pain and some side effects, but we're so thankful he didn't have the nausea like we had been warned was possible.

I'll try to post more in the coming days. Happy New Year!!


  1. So glad to hear Brayden's counts are UP! Praying for you all to have a safe trip to LR and back! Love and miss you guys! Amelia, Eric and Andrew

  2. Well, almost at the end of 2009, what a year for you all. May God continue to bring healing to Brayden and strength to Mom and Dad. I truly pray for a bright and healthy 2010 for your family. God Bless, Deb

  3. Good morning my precious Brayden! Nini dreamed about you last night & woke up thinking about you this morning, so I thought I'd type you a little love note on here for you to have fun finding today. Nini loves you so, so much, Brayden! I hope that you have a wonderful day today & am praying that you're not hurting as bad today. Sending oodles of hugs & kissies your way today! Luv you bunches! - Nini Nett

  4. Hi Brayden, I'm so excited that your progress is getting better and that the counts are improving. I missed seeing your adorable sweet face at the blood drive, but wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you and your mom and dad of being an inspiration to us all and what you have gone through these past 8 months. You are so Brave, Strong & Handsome and God is so proud of you of your contagious smile and pure heart that shares with everyone you meet. I'm glad you were able to have a White Christmas; I bet Santa was cold driving around in his sleigh that night huh? We will continue to pray for you and I have told Nini that I know you will one day be cure of this illness and talk to your Grandkids about what it was like when you were 9 and how awesome God is to see you through it and help others. Grandkids one day, kiddo!!

    Love you and Happy 2010 to you and your precious family!

