In this season of thanks, we have recognized how much we have to be thankful for this year. We want to find a way to give back and help so many other families this holiday season. What better way than giving the gift of life? As a way to help so many other Oncology kiddos and parents fighting, we have set up a Blood Drive in Brayden's name December 16th. What's great is this only takes a minute to visit the link and sign up to make an appointment! Simply make the appointment to give back in giving life to donate blood to help in times where there simply isn't enough supply to help these critical patients that can literally make the difference in their fight. - code 72712. Location: Bentonville Plaza, December 16th. Once you logon, there are directions for the Bentonville Plaza and appointment times to choose from. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! We have a goal of 50 donors, but we'd love to have more!! I know you can help us come together for a great turnout to support Brayden's fight and help so many other children. Thank you all in advance for giving so freely of something that each of you have that can save a life!
Bryan, Lisa & Brayden Jones
~ To read more about Brayden's Journey, see the attachment and read below ~

Brayden's T-Cell ALL diagnosis on April 22 this year stunned all of us in a boy who rarely got sick and was so healthy and energetic. This rare form of Leukemia has had him on an aggressive High-Risk Chemo regimen for nearly 7 months now. It's kept Brayden from school, getting to go out to eat or to a store, playing football or soccer again, and even from contact with his family due to the havoc it wreaks on his system to break down all the bad cells and begin re-building again. We've been so grateful for encouraging emails and cards of support from friends and community members. There have certainly been some dark days: grieving the loss of innocence in our sweet 9-yr old boy, the loss of normalcy, the loss of Brayden's hair and his involvement with his friends, celebrating too many holidays in strict isolation at home without family,and the realization that for the past 7 months and next 3 years, trips to Children's Hospital, isolation for his health and being immune-compromised, Chemo, blood transfusions, and weekly blood checks are our new way of life to help him kick Leukemia and get him back to playing football again! He's done so well on this aggressive protocol and we're thankful for a 78% success rate where so many childhood cancer treatment plans aren't so successful. There are many risks he faces for the rest of his life, including developing secondary cancers as a result of treating the Leukemia. We continue to hold strong to our foundation of faith and continue pressing on in this Journey we are now on as a family. In the meantime, Brayden is so strong and truly resilient. We're so thankful he's kept his sense of humor and his beautiful outlook on life. Thank you for coming here and joining us to hear more about how Brayden's doing and read more recent (detailed!) updates.